Plenary & Sections Program
Poster presentations
The conference program features computer demonstrations of new phylogenetic software by the developers. Attendees will have the opportunity to install the packages on their laptops and run own or test datasets in live interaction with the lecturer.
Participants will receive flash drives with necessary distributions in their conference toolkit. Those can as well be downloaded from the links below. Stable WiFi networking is available during demonstrations.
Although some electric outlets will be provided (220 V), you are strongly advised to full charge your battery before the session.
10:00-11:30, 03 August 2012
Simultaneous Alignment and Tree Estimation (SATé): a software package for constructing phylogenies and alignments from sequence data
(JIM LEEBENS-MACK, Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, USA)
SATe tutorial
Windows, Mac and Linux versions of the SATe bundle, as well as necessary dependencies are available at the Mark Holder's SATé distribution page:
12:00-13:30, 03 August 2012
SEPP: SATe-enabled phylogenetic placement
(SIAVASH MIRARAB, Department of Computer Science, the University of Texas at Austin, USA)
SEPP tutorial
1. An archive containing the SEPP bundle (including the README with installation and other useful information), and the output visualization tool (forester.jar) is available here: (43 Mb)
2. A virtual machine image with SEPP and all its dependencies already preinstalled is available here: (1.2 Gb)
For Windows users, or in case of issues with installing SEPP, it offers a very good alternative. A virtual machine manager is required to install and run the image as a guest operating system. We recommend to use the Oracle Virtual Box that is available freely at Loading the virtual machine image takes less than 10 minutes on an ordinary laptop.
For those participants who will not be able to install any of the software above, SEPP has been setup on a remote server. The only requirement is a wireless network adapter an ssh client to maintain a sustainable remote session.