Submission materials
Accepted abstracts will be published as the conference abstracts book.
The conference proceedings will be published in the special issue of the «Herald of Moscow State University» in December 2010.
The working conference language is English.
Plenary speakers are invited by the organizers. Keynote presenters are free to give the lecture in English or Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided during each plenary session.
Section and poster presentations are appointed by the Committee on the bases of the author’s declaration during online abstract submission, abstracts review and current program configuration. The Committee reserves the right to offer the author to alter the presentation type. The program will allocate 15 min to a session talk, plus 5 min for discussion. Please, gauge your presentation accordingly to ensure that each speaker has equal opportunity to present. The format of multimedia presentations must be MS PowerPoint or Adobe PDF. Each speaker should bring a copy of presentation materials on a USB flash drive or CD on the day before his talk to technical personnel to test it on a local computer. The usage of personal computers for presentations is not permitted.
Poster presentations should be no larger than ANSI D (22 × 34 inches), or ISO A1 (60 x 85 cm) formats. For easier perception and identification, a poster should contain a clear heading (font size min 70), clear listing of the authors with a photograph of actual participant (his name in the list must be underlined), contact information, and clear self-explanatory contents designed to contain graphic forms (figures, charts, etc.) when possible to describe research.
Abstracts formatting:
- Text format: rich text format (.rtf).
- Line spacing: single (1.0).
- Field margins: left and right – 2.5 cm, upper and lower– 2.0 cm.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Indentation: none.
- Abstract text alignment: justify. Heading alignment: center.
- Title: sentence case.
- Authors’ names: sentence case. First names (or initials) precede last names. Different superscript indices after the last names should mark the authors’ affiliations, which are to be stated below. No indices are required if the affiliation is the same.
- Affiliations: sentence case, font size 10 pt. Organizations are listed in the order of superscript indices and supplemented with a postal address, city and country. Please provide a full organization name.
- Contact information: separate line, sentence case, font size 10 pt. E-mail address is compulsory, but you may wish to also provide a telephone or/and fax number.
- The presenting author should be underlined.
- You may upload an illustration in form of either graphics or table (mutually exclusive). Graphic figures are accepted as tagged image format files (.tif, .tiff) with resolution 300 dpi and maximum 130 mm width. Tables, table legends or figure legends are provided at the end of the abstract text.
- The abstract body size (without headings) should not exceed 1700 characters (with spaces) if no illustration is uploaded, and 1300 characters (with spaces) – if there is one.
- If you include formulas or any special characters, please convert them to graphics and insert as pictures in the text. Hyphenation is not allowed. Species and genus names are italicized.
Abstract texts and illustrations are to be uploaded using the online submission form. File names should correspond to the first author name. E.g., author1.rtf, author1.tif; author2.rtf, author2.tif, if the same first author co-authors two submissions, etc.
Please use this template as a guide to your abstract preparation.