A.S. Antonov

Professor Andrey Sergeevich Antonov (1936-2008) is a bright representative of the elder generation of molecular biologists whose scientific prime began right after the discovery of the DNA double helix. His growth concurred with the rise of molecular biology in the country, and, as many of his age, he found himself in the heart of changes. He early became a leader and, with time, headed a prolific school of thought. The talent and charisma of him and his peers in many respects shaped the development of molecular biology on the national scale. The character of Andrey Antonov stands among the prominent figures in modern science.
Andrey Antonov was born on June 6th 1936 in Moscow. He graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of Moscow State University in 1959 with the degree in plant biochemistry. His student supervisors were Andrey N. Belozersky and Alexander S. Spirin, the future leaders and decision-makers in national molecular research. Deep respect and gratitude to them he carried through the years. Shortly after graduation he defends a Ph.D., becomes an assistant lecturer and associate professor at the Department of plant biochemistry (today’s Chair of molecular biology). It was the time when A.N. Belozersky launched a research program of comparative analyses of DNA in the application to establish natural relationships of organisms at different scales, with the perspective of uncovering the natural history of life. A brilliantly educated biochemist, passionate naturalist and talented scientist able to discern the essence in every subject or work, Andrey Antonov became one of his closest colleagues, an ally and true follower. In the 50-60’s the ideas of A.N. Belozersky were ahead of the time. Andrey Antonov devoted his scientific life to their innovative development and defended the new knowledge in hot arguments with traditionally thinking members of the classic school. It was a prolific and happy way of a scientist having witnessed the first attempts to approach DNA structure and the emergence of modern state-of-the-art techniques of bioinformatics, phylogenetics and genomics.
His legacy will last in science and our hearts.
In the year 2009 the Journal of Molecular Biology dedicated a special issue to the memory of Prof. Andrey S. Antonov: Vol. 43, No. 5. The contents are available
The article
Comparative Genomics, Genosystematics, and the Scientific School of A.S. Antonov //
Molecular Biology, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 697–700 is available
Andrey S. Antonov authored and co-authored more than 150 papers, five monographs and a large volume of popular and educational publications. The selected list is given below.
DNA Structure and Classification of Organisms. Eds. A.N. Belozersky and A.S. Antonov. Publishing house of Moscow State Univ., 1972. – 328 pp. Russian.
Molecular Bases of Genosystematics. Ed.A.S. Antonov. Publishing house of Moscow State Univ., 1980. – 272 pp. Russian.
Ratner V.A., Zharkikh A.A., Kolchanov N., Rodin S.N., Solovyov V.V., Antonov A.S. 1996. Molecular Evolution. Ch. 8. Genosystenatics // Biomathematics. Vol. 24. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag. – 434 p.
Antonov A.S. 1975. We Are Similar But How Much? // Novelty in life, science and technick. Biol. Ser. Part 10. Moscow, Znaniye. Russian.
Antonov A.S. 1983. Genetic Bases of the Evolutionary Process. // Novelty in life, science and technick. Biol. Ser. Part 4. Moscow, Znaniye. – 64 pp. Russian.
Antonov A.S. 2000. Bases of Genosystematics of Higher Plants. Moscow.: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica. – 135 pp. Russian.
Blokhina I.N., Levanova G.F., Antonov A.S. 1992. Systematics of Microorganisms (with Bases of Genosystematics). Nizniyi Novgorod. Publishing House of NSU. – 170 pp. Russian.
Antonov A.S. 2006. Genosystematics of Plants. Ì.: IKTS Àcademkniga – 293 pp. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N., 1961. Comparative study of DNA composition of some vertebrates and invertebrates // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.138, n.5, pp.1216-1220. Russian.
Rubin A.B., Antonov A.S., 1961. Does the specificity of living material appear at the molecular level? // Nauchnye Dokl Vyss Shkoly. Phylos. Nauki. n.3, pp.143-148. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N., 1962. Comparative study of RNA composition of some vertebrates and invertebrates // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.142, n.5, p.1184. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Favorova O.O., Belozersky A.N., 1962. On some peculiarities of animal and higher plants DNA nucleotide composition // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.147, n.6, p.1480. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Laikova N.F., Ivanova P.V., Grigoreva S.P., Belozersky A.N. 1964. Modified Amino Acid Composition in Bombyx Mori L. Silk Fibroin induced by DNA and RNA Nitrogen analogues // Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR. v.155, pp.1201-1204. Russian.
Antonov A.S. 1965. The nucleotide composition of animal DNA: its relation to the classification of these organisms and its evolution // Usp. Sovrem. Biol. v. 60, n. 2, pp.161-177. Review. Russian.
Medinkov B.M., Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N., 1965 The molecular mechanism of the Crozier-principle in its application to the development of poikilothermic animals // Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, v 165, n. 1, pp.227-229. Russian.
Liutskanov N., Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N.,1966. Growth dynamics in E. coli T- culture in the presence of base analogs. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, v.169, n.4, pp.952-954. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 1968. The level of DNA variability as a criterion of taxa evolutionary age // In: The problems of evolution, v.1, Novosibirsk, Nauka, pp.37-46. Russian.
Turishcheva M.S., Marinova E.I., Petrov O.E., Erofeeva N.N., Antonov A.S., 1968. Physical-chemical properties of DNA of certain animals and higher plants. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.183, n.6, pp.1445-1448. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 1969. The structure of DNA and the position of organisms in the system. Heterogeneity of nuclear DNA and principles of organization of their polynucleotidal sequences in various organisms // Usp. Sovrem. Biol. v. 68. n. 3, pp. 299-317. Review. Russian.
Marinova E.I., Vladichenskaya N.S., Antonov A.S., 1969. DNA nucleotide composition of some Monocotyledons // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v. 185, n.4, pp.945-948. Russian.
Marinova E.I., Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N.,1969. Homologies in primary structure of some Monocotyledons DNA // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.184, n.2, pp.483-486. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Vladichenskaya N.S., Petrov N.B., 1971. DNA isolation from ethanol fixed tissues of invertebrates and higher plants // Nauchnye Dokl Vyss Shkoly. Biol. Nauki. n.8, pp.137-142. Russian.
Belozersky A.N., Antonov A.S., Mednikov B.M., 1972. Introduction // In: DNA structure and organism position in system. M., Moscow University ed., pp.3-16. Russian.
Antonov A.S. Viral DNA // Ibid., pp.69-90.
Antonov A.S., 1972. The specificity of primary structure of Chordata DNA // Ibid., pp.237- 249.
Vladychenskaya N.S., Antonov A.S., 1972. Polynucleotide sequences organization in genomes of different organisms // Ibid., pp.253-278.
Antonov A.S., Miroshnichenko G.P., Slyusarenco A.G., 1972. DNA primary strcture as a tool in higher plant systematic // Uspechi sovr. biol., v.74, pp.247-261. russian.
Miroshnichenko G.P., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Antonov A.S., 1972. Results of kinetics reassociation study of denatured DNA fragments of some higher plants // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.205, n.5, p.1243. Russian.
Slyusarenko A.G., Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N, 1973. Homologies in DNA sequences of some Liliacea. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.209, n.5, pp.1223-1226. Russian.
Galimova L.M., Ivanova P.V., Korzhenko V.P., Antonov A.S., 1973. Effect of 5-bromouracil on the amino acid makeup of the silk fibroin of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. // Biokhimiia, v.38, n.4. pp.707-711. Russian.
Popov L.S., Antonov A.S., Mednikov B.M., Belozersky A.N., 1973. The natural system of fishes: results of application of the DNA hybridization method // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. v.211, n.3, pp.737-9. Russian.
Mednikov B.M., Popov L.S., Antonov A.S., 1973. DNA primary structure characteristics as a criterion for constructing natural system for fishes. Zh. Obshch. Biol., v.34, n.4, pp.516-529. Russian.
Kedrova O.S., Tarasov K.L., Antonov A.S., 1973. DNA nucleotide composition of some species of the Genus Acremonium Link. ex Fr. in connection with its systematical relations // Mycol. Phythopathol. v.7, n 2, pp. 93-96. Russian.
Popov L.S., Antonov A.S., 1974. Nucleotide composition of the DNA in representatives of certain orders of fishes. Nauchnye Dokl. Vyss. Shkoly. Biol. Nauki. n.6, pp.33-39. Russian.
Miroshnichenko G.P., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Antonov A.S., 1974. DNA kinetic reassociation of the representatives of Liliatae class // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.214, p.1279-1281. Russian.
Mednikov B.M., Antonov A.S., 1974. Status of Dipnoi and their position in the system. Dokl. Akad, Nauk SSSR, v.218, n.6, pp.1485-1487. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 1974. Genosystematics: Achievements, problems and outlook // Usp. Sovrem. Biol., v.77, n.2, pp.31-47. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Levanova G.F., Popov L.S., Turova T.P., Uriupina N.V., 1975. More precise identification of the systematic position of marine bacteria by the method of DNA-DNA hybridization // Zh Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol., n.1, pp.94-96. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Petrov N.B., 1975. Pyrimidine nucleotide distribution in unique and repeated sequences of Unionidae molluscs DNA // Nauchnye Dokl. Vyss. Shkoly. Biol. Nauki., n.4, pp.101-107. Russian.
Petrov N.B., Antonov A.S., 1975. Characteristics of molecular organization of the genomes of several bivalve mollusks. Nauchnye Dokl. Vyss. Shkoly. Biol. Nauki. n.12, pp. 101-105. Russian.
Schneer V.S,.Antonov A.S.,1975. DNA homologies in species of genus Iris // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, v.222, n.1, pp.247-250. Russian.
Valiejo-Roman K.M., Miroshnichenko G.P., Antonov AS., 1975. A method of comparison of DNA polynucleotide sequences // Mol. Biol. (Mosk), v.9, n.4, pp.548-551. Russian.
Vladychenskaya N.S., Kedrova O.S., Antonov A.S., 1975. Kinetics of DNA reassociation and the characteristics of the genome structure of fishes // Nauchnye Dokl.Vyss. Shkoly, Biol. Nauki. n.7, pp.105-110. Russian.
Vladychenskaya N.S., Kedrova O.S., Antonov A.S.,1976. Comparison of genome organization in closely related forms of organisms, at the example of fises of genus Coregonus // Nauchnye Dokl. Vyss. Shkoly, Biol Nauki., n.10, pp.15-20. Russian.
Bubenshchikova S.N., Antonov A.S., 1976. Results of comparing the quantitative content of pyrimidine sequences of different lengths in the DNA of fishes // Nauchnye Dokl. Vyss. Shkoly, Biol. Nauki, v.6, pp.29-35. Russian.
Petrov O. E., Lomov A.A., Antonov A.S., 1976. Nucleotide composition and intragenomic heterogeneity of birds DNA // Nauchnye Dokl.Vyss. Shkoly, Biol. Nauki, n.7, pp. 17-21. Russian.
Janeva J.N., Antonov A.S., 1977. The level of homology in fractuon of repeated DNA sequences in genera Triticum L and Aegelops l. as studied by molecular hybridization method // Genetica, v.13, n.4, pp.578-582. Russian.
Turova TP, Antonov AS., 1977. Comparison of the DNA polynucleotide sequence of cholera so-called non-agglutinating vibrios // Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. n.7, pp. 47-50. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Belousova A.A., Lysenko A.M., Turova T.P., 1977. Rapid methods for identifying microorganisms based on DNA hybridization // Mikrobiologiia, v.47, n.6, pp.1049-1054. Russian.
Miroshnichenko G.P., Antonov A.S., Gileva E.A., 1978. A comparative study of Dicrostonyx torquatus chionopaes Allen DNA with different numbers of B-chromosomes. Mol. Biol. (Mosk.), v.12, n.6, pp.1348-58. Russian.
Petrov N.B., Poltaraus A.B., Antonov A.S., 1979. Determination of histon genes divergency in invertebrates. Biochimia, v.44, n.12, pp.2208-2217. Russian.
Petrov N.B., Poltaraus A.B., Antonov A.S., 1980. Determination of the degree of ribosomal genes conservativity in some invertebrate species // Biokhimiia, v.45, n.1, pp.165-72. Russian.
Petrov N.B., Poltaraus A.B., Antonov A.S., 1980. Genome of the pogonophore Siboglinum fiordicum: organizational characteristics and divergence with respect to the genomes of representatives of certain types of invertebrates // Mol. Biol. (Mosk). v. 14, n.2, pp.429-438. Russian.
Poltaraus A.B., Antonov A.S., Petrov N.B., 1980. Divergence of repetitive DNA sequences in Echinodermata. I. Comparison of sequences with a high degree of intragenomic divergence // Mol. Biol. (Mosk)., v.14, n.3, pp.661-74. Russian.
Poltaraus A.B., Petrov N.B., Antonov A.S., 1980. Divergence of repetitive DNA sequences in echinoderms. II. Comparison of sequences with a low degree of intragenome divergence // Mol. Biol. (Mosk)., v.14, n.5, pp.1046-1056. Russian.
Kedrova O.S., Vladychenskaya N.S., Antonov A.S., 1980. Divergence of unique and repetitive sequences in the genomes of fishes // Mol. Biol. (Mosk), v.14, n.5, pp.1001-1012. Russian.
Antonov A.S., Belozersky A.N., 1980. DNA nucleotide composition as taxonomic character // In: Functional biochemistry of cellular structures. M., Nauka, pp.72-88. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 1981. Biopolymers study in higher plants systematics. Priroda, n.3, pp.2-12. Russian.
Kashevarov G.P., Antonov A.S.,1982. Analysis of Phylogenetic relationships of closely related Achillea (Asteracea) species as studied by DNA hybridization // Botanich. Journ.,v.67, pp.537-543. Russian.
Valiejo-Romam K.M., Antonov A.S., Kamaletdinova M.A., 1982. Phylogenetic relations in certain Umbelliufera genera as studied by DNA hybridization. Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR, v.262, pp. 749-753. Russian.
Kedrova O.S., Vladychenskaya N.S., Antonov A.S., 1983. Comparison of the genome of the alligator gar with the genomes of several other fishes // Mol. Biol. (Mosk), v.17, n.2, pp.383-391. Russian.
Petrov N.B., Aljeshin V.V., Antonov A.S. 1984. DNA sequence organization in two Odonata species, Calopteryx splendens (Harris) and Aeshna coerulea (Strom) (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae, Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) // Odonatologica. V. 13. ¹ 2. P. 269–279.
Troitsky A.V., Bobrova V.K., Ponomarev A.G., Antonov A.S. 1984. The nucleotide sequence of chloroplast 4.5S rRNA from Mnium rugicum (Bryophyta): mosses also possess this type of RNA // FEBS Lett. V. 176. ¹ 1. P. 105–109.
Ivanova T.L., Turova T.P., Antonov A.S. 1985. DNA-DNA and rRNA-DNA hybridizaion studies in the genus Ectothiorhodospira and other purple sulfur bacteria // Arch. Microbiol. V. 143. ¹ 1. P. 154–156.
Antonov A.S. 1986. Molecular analysis of plant DNA genomes: Conserved and diverged sequences // DNA Systematics: Plants. Vol. 2 / Ed. Dutta S.K. Boca Raton, FL.: CRC Press Inc. 172–184 pp.
Antonov A.S., Troitsky A.V., 1986. The results of plant rRNA evolution study make the molecular clock hypothesis doubtful // Journ. evoluts. biochimii physiol., v.22, n.4, pp. 343-350. Russian.
Bobrova V.K., Troitsky A.V., Ponomarev A.G., Antonov A.S. 1987. Low-molecular weight rRNA sequences and plant phylogeny reconstruction: nucleotide sequences of chloroplast 4.5S rRNAs from Acorus calamus (Araceae) and Ligularia calthifolia (Asteraceae) // Pl. Syst. Evol. V. 156. ¹ 1-2. P. 13–27.
Tourova T.P., Antonov A.S. 1987. Identification of microorganisms by rapid DNA-DNA hybridization // Methods in Mirobiol. V. 19. P. 333–355.
Ivanova T.L., Turova T.P., Antonov A.S. 1988. DNA-DNA hybridization studies on some purple nonsulfur bacteria // Syst. Appl. Microbiol. V. 10. ¹ 3. P. 259–263.
Melekhovets Yu.F., Troitsky A.V., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Bobrova V.K., Antonov A.S. 1988. Nucleotide sequences of cytosolic 5S ribosomal RNAs from two gymnosperms, Gnetum gnemon and Ephedra kokanica // Nucleic Acids Res. V. 16. ¹ 9. P. 4155.
Antonov A.S., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Pimenov M.G., Beridze N.A., 1988. Non-equivalency of genera in Angiospermae: evidence from DNA hybridization studies // Pl. Syst. Evol. V. 161. ¹ 3-4. P.155-168.
Rakhimova G.M., Troitsky A.V., Klikunova I.N., Antonov A.S., 1989. Phylogenetic analysis of partial nucleotide sequences of 18S rRNA for 14 plant species // Mol. Biol. (Mosk), v.23, n.3, pp.830-842. Russian.
Troitsky A.V., Melekhovets Yu.F., Rakhimova G.M., Bobrova V.K., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Antonov A.S. 1991. Angiosperm origin and early stages of seed plant evolution deduced from rRNA sequence comparisons // J. Mol. Evol. V. 32. ¹ 3. P. 253–261.
Troitsky A.V., Melekhovets Yu.F, Rakhimova G.M., Bobrova V.K., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Antonov A.S. 1992. Phylogenetic trees for several kinds of ribosomal RNA shed light upon early stages of seed plant evolution / In: Modelling and Computer Methods in Molecular Biology and Genetics Eds.: Ratner V.A., Kolchanov N.A. New-York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 399–405 pp.
Antonov A.S.,Troitsky A.V., 1995. Flowering plants origin according to evolution of their nucleic acid primary syructure // Mol. Biol. (Moscow), v.29, pp.1228-1241.
Bobrova V.K., Goremykin V.V., Troitsky A.V., Valiego-Roman K.M., Antonov AS., 1995 Molecular biological research on the origin of the angiosperms // Zh. Obshch. Biol. v.6, pp. 645-661. Review. Russian.
Goremykin V., Bobrova V., Pahnke J., Troitsky A., Antonov A., Martin W. 1996. Noncoding sequences from the slowly evolving chloroplast inverted repeat in addition to rbcL data do not support gnetalean affinities of angiosperms // Mol. Biol. Evol. V. 13, 383–396.
Antonov A.S., 1997. The origin of main groups of terrestrian plants. Priroda, n.10, pp. 55-63. Russian.
Baeva V.M., Bobrova V.K., Troitsty A.V.,Antonov A.S.,1998. RAPD-DNA analysis of Potentilla DNA // Pharmacia, n.2, pp.38-41. Russian.
Samigullin T.H., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Troitsky A.V., Bobrova V.K., Filin V.R., Martin W., Antonov A.S. 1998. Sequences of rDNA internal transcribed spacers from the chloroplast DNA of 26 bryophytes: Properties and phylogenetic utility // FEBS Lett. V. 422. P. 47–51.
Samigullin T.K., Martin W.F., Troitsky A.V., Antonov A.S. 1999. Molecular data from the chloroplast rpoC1 gene suggest a deep and distinct dichotomy of contemporary spermatophytes into two monophyla: gymnosperms (including Gnetales) and angiosperms // J. Mol. Evol. V. 49. ¹ 3. P. 310–315.
Hansen A., Hansmann S., Samigullin T., Antonov A., Martin W. 1999. Gnetum and the angiosperms: molecular evidence that their shared morphological characters are convergent, rather than homologous // Mol. Biol. Evol. V. 16. P. 1006–1009.
Antonov A.S., 1999. Genosystematics - a new line in living organisms systematics // Biologia v shcole, n.5, pp. 3-8. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 1999. Genomics and genosystematics // Priroda, n.6, pp. 19-26. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 2000. The origin of main groups of land plants // Biologia v shcole, n.5, pp.3-8. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 2000. Plants and animals – living fossils // Priroda, n.10, pp.73-78. Russian
Antonov A.S., 2000. Possible causes of different positions of pheno- and genosystematics concerning higher plants system // Botanicn. Zh., v. 85, pp.3-11. Russian.
Samigullin T.K., Yacentyuk S.P., Degtyaryeva G.V., Valieho-Roman K.M., Bobrova V.K., Capesius I., Martin W.F., Troitsky A.V., Filin, V.R., Antonov A.S. 2002. Paraphyly of bryophytes and close relationship of hornworts and vascular plants inferred from analysis of chloroplast rDNA ITS (cpITS) sequences // Arctoa. V11. P. 31-43.
Antonov AS., 2002. Genomics and genosystematics // Genetika, v.38, n.6, pp.751-757. Russian.
Antonov AS., 2003. On interrelation between genosystematics and genomics // Zh. Obshch Biol. v.64, n.2, pp.181-6. Review. Russian.
Antonov AS., 2005. Genosystematics from E. Chargaff and A. N. Belozersky up to date // Mol. Biol. (Mosk), v.39, n.4, pp.581-589. Review. Russian.
Antonov A.S., 2006. About some “molecular” systems of flowering plants // Botan. Zh.,v.91, pp.169-175. Russian.
Degtjareva G.V., Kramina T.E., Sokoloff D.D., Samigullin T.H., Vallejo-Roman C.M. Antonov A.S. 2006. Phylogeny of the genus Lotus (Leguminosae, Loteae): evidence from nrITS sequences and morphology // Canad. J. Bot. V. 84. ¹ 5. P. 813–830.
Antonov AS., 2007. From birth to christening // Biochemistry (Mosc). v.72, n.12, pp. 1284-1288. Russian.
Logacheva M.D., Penin A.A., Samigullin T.K.,Valiejo-Roman K.M., Antonov A.S., 2007. flowreing plants phylogeny as judging by chloroplast genome sequencesa: in search of “happy” gene // Biochimia, v.72, n.12, pp.1624-1631. Russian.
Mardanov A.V., Ravin N.V., Kuznetsov B.B., Samigullin T.H., Antonov A.S., Kolganova T.V., Skryabin K.G. 2008. Complete sequence of the duckweed (Lemna minor) chloroplast genome: structural organization and phylogenetic relationships to other angiosperms // J. Mol. Evol. V. 66. ¹ 6. P. 555–564.
Logacheva M.D., Penin A.A., Valiejo-Roman K.M., Antonov A.S., 2009. Structure and evolution of junctions between inverted repeat and small single copy regions of chloroplast genome in non-core Caryophyllales // Mol. Biol. (Mosk), v.43, n.5, pp.818-827. Russian.